Console, originally dubbed Tech Support, is a immersive story co-developed alongside Joe Willis.

The video above is a recording from the prototype featuring a user talking to the character of SAM.E in the headset. The actor voicing SAM.E is wearing a mocap suit and is able to hear the user's dialogue and respond accordingly. ​​​​​​​

Console is an interactive mixed reality project where you, as the audience, take the role of a newly appointed 'Therapist' tasked with a caseload of technology that's struggling to cope due to various mental health issues. Listening, asking questions and providing workable solutions about their lives to help them live and run better.

“Can we see technology as flawed beings? How does this affect our empathy to machines?”

Console invites people to explore the fictional identities of smart technology by placing the user in the role of a therapist who guides smart tech through their daily struggles. The goal is to engage with the idea of what a digital identity is and to remove the humanness in technology.
The current experience aims to focus on one story with a beginning middle and end arc with variations based what the user decides.​​​​​​​
The project is on-going and we've recently received support from XR Stories who helped develop a prototype for a mixed reality using actors and live motion capture. You can read about our residency with them on their website.
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